Gecata by Movavi
Lifetime / 1 PC
- Personal
- Business
- Record gameplay or desktop in one click
- Stream on any platform
- Overlay webcam video onto the game footage
Gecata + Movavi Video Editor
Lifetime / 1 PC / 2 Apps
Gecata Personal
Movavi Video Editor
- Edit game videos in a flash
- Add music, visual and sound effects
- Entertain audiences with animated stickers
- Spice up your footage with stock content
Gecata + Movavi Video Editor + Effects Bundle
Lifetime / 1 PC / 2 Apps / 1 Effects Bundle
Gecata Personal
Movavi Video Editor
“Human, Robots, Art” Bundle
The ultimate gaming effects collection with titles, stickers, backgrounds, intros, transitions, and frames for your gaming videos.
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